Yes! Cheating in the online exam using WhatsApp is a new method that some service providers on the Web use for their clients to help them in their online exams, quizzes or any other academic test.
You can pay them online to get your exams or assessments done within no time i.e., in your required time frame. Every student who couldn’t study well or was not prepared for their online assessments can use online services to get boost in their grades.
Grades matter a lot. Your success in the institute is based on your grades. You can get higher marks in your assignments, homework, online assessments, lab reports, academic projects, etc. by studying hard. But sometimes, we have more important things to do instead of these little academic tasks, or sometimes we are unable to do our best writing due to poor writing skills on a specific topic.
For example, you did outstanding research on a specific topic, but you have no proficiency in writing your research paper. Or you did an online assessment and got a few marks that you got a warning from your teacher. In that case, what can you do? You may have 1st option that every student must go for that is to study hard, day and night. Or you may have the second option which is to hire an expert, to go to a service provider on the web and ask for help who have highly professional experts with them.
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Get to know about Daniel:
- For smooth communication I use WhatsApp; Contact me on WhatsApp
- Each Client has a separate WhatsApp group
- Watch videos of me taking real exams: Quora Space
- How my most popular WhatsApp method works: Daniel WhatsApp Method
- I am Ranked #1 tutor on YouTube, Check out my YouTube Channel
- I keep my Clients info highly confidential by encrypting your name to a 4-digit code
- Get discounts on your next orders by suggesting me to your friends
Now, the question arises: Where can I get the best expert for my work? No worry at all, on the web you can find a number of service providers. If you ask me, have you ever tested anyone or you are saying only?
My answer will be yes!
I used to do my academic assignments of different types and many times my assessments done by the service provider “Dsordeus”, and for writing purpose, I only trust “InTuto4u” on web. Why because of their excellent teamwork. Here are some samples screenshots to show you how “Dsordeus” works.

In fact, this technique of using WhatsApp for online exam cheating I learned from them.
So, let’s start without losing time. The answer to questions
Here are a few steps that we can use for cheating in online exam
Pre-exam steps to be taken:
Get WhatsApp installed on your mobile. (You can use this technique for other messenger apps too).
Ask for help from someone or hire Dsordeus Experts from web.
Make sure to tell them the details of your assessments i.e.,
- Exam due time
- of questions
- Subject
- Type of exam
Take screenshots of your questions from the screen. In case it is proctored exam and based on AI proctoring software. Take from the side of the screen. The laptop camera’s field of view is 60 degrees which can only capture the face of a person facing the screen.
My advice: it will take only 3-5 minutes, check and practice now. Get your camera ON, while seeing on your screen, take pictures on your smartphone, or other cam devices from the side of your screen. You will find the answer to how much easy it is.
Send screenshots/DCIM to your helper.
Note: if it is one by one question exam, get answers done in your chat and if it is an exam with all questions able to see all at once, take screenshots of all questions first and send them to your helper. Next is your helper work. You enjoy seeing questions done. Cool!

- Send screenshots to your helper and ask for help
- Join specific subjects WhatsApp groups from the web
- Just go to InTuto4U and get instant help